10 things I Will and Won’t Miss About School

10 things I Will and Won’t Miss About School
School HallwayAs we move closer towards graduation, seniors are being constantly reminded of the bitter sweet moments from highschool that we will soon be leaving behind. However, some things we may be pretty excited to not have to deal with anymore. Here are 10 things we will and won’t miss about high school.

Things we will miss
  1. Not having to go out of your way to see your friends
  2. Football friday nights
  3. Student sections
  4. School dances (prom, homecoming)
  5. Watching movies in class
  6. Seeing your favorite teachers
  7. Seeing fights break out
  8. Addie’s morning announcements
  9. Playing sports
  10. Senior year

Things we won’t miss
  1. Waking up early
  2. Having a new essay every day
  3. School lunch
  4. Walking into an unflushed bathroom stall
  5. Reading old English
  6. The EXTREMELY slow Chromebooks
  7. The smell of BO
  8. Presentations
  9. People being obnoxious in study halls
  10. Not being allowed to post TikToks

By: Ashlyn Gerken