2020 is over and if you messed up last year then now's the time for a fresh start. Although many people have new year's resolutions most people aren't very good at keeping them. If you're not good at keeping your resolutions then you should start small instead of going all in and expecting it to work out. If you are having troubles thinking of resolutions or want one you can try to keep then here are some for you….
- Focus on passion, not the way you look
- work out to feel good, not to be thinner
- Stop gossiping
- Give at least one compliment a day
- Focus more on real life, not social media
- Do random acts of kindness
- Read a book
- Go places you have never been
- Try new things
- Clear out the clutter/ organize your room
- Reduce your screen time
- Reduce your waste
- Volunteer
- Write down one thing you are grateful for every night
- Drink more water
- Save money
- Stop procrastinating
- Work on your mental health
- Don't buy things you don't need
- Keep a journal
- Clean out your car
- Take the stairs
- Be kind on social media
- Let go of grudges
- Stay in touch with friends
- Start a new hobby
- Start cooking
- Buy less plastic
- Donate clothes instead of throwing them away
- Avoid toxic people
- Remove negativity or anything that makes you feel lousy
- Do something that scares you
- Make your bed every morning
- Craft something
- Go to bed happy
- Clean up after yourself
- Pay it forward
- Talk less, listen more
- Write your goals down
By: Shana Baker