Having a good ugly Christmas sweater is a necessity during the holiday season. Whether it's just going to school or winning a competition you need to have the best no matter what. The key to having a good ugly Christmas sweater depends on its uniqueness. It needs to be something that no one has ever seen before. You will not want to go to Target or Walmart and buy one because anyone can have that same sweater and you'll just look like everyone else. You need to go to a thrift store, go shopping in your Grandma's closet, or make your own. Most thrift stores or second-hand stores will have tons of options because old people love to give away their clothes. The best thrift stores around here would probably be The Dresscode, Salvation Army, and Ohio Thrift. If you can't find one at a thrift store the next best decision would be going through your parents’ or grandparents' closets. They have to have something ugly that you can borrow just don't let them know that you think it's actually ugly. If that doesn't work you should make it yourself. You can get a group of friends to go to the craft store and you can all make one. If you mess up, who cares, that I'll make it unique. Good luck finding that perfect ugly sweater this holiday season. If you need inspiration go check out The Launchpad.
By: Hannah Parker