This year has definitely been a crazy year, from being stuck in the house, having to wear a mask everywhere, and kids not being able to have a normal school year. Although we have been given the green light to go back to school on October 5th it is still not going to be like normal.
Personally, I am glad we are going back to school. Even though it is going to be very different from past years, I am excited to be able to see my friends again and be in a different environment than just my house. I interviewed a few teachers and students to see how they felt about online school.
Everyone that I interviewed said they would much rather be at school like normal rather than being online. Bailee Garner said the thing she likes about distance learning is she gets to stay in bed and do her school work, but what she dislikes most is not able to be with her friends. She hopes we go back soon because she is more of a hands-on learner and it will be easier to learn at school. When I asked Samantha Hurst she said the thing she likes about being online is she gets to feed her cows during the two hour lunch break, but she doesn't like it that she can not talk to people. She thinks that we should just go back to school. The last student I asked was Omnisity Anderson. She said the thing she likes about being online is that we start later, but she doesn't like that she can not see her friends. She also hopes that we can go back soon. After interviewing these students I found that the general consensus is students want to return to in school learning sooner rather than later.
Mr. Little said what he likes about distance learning is that it is the safest thing to do right now, but he doesn't like that he can not get to know his students as well as he could if we were in school. He said he doesn't really have a strong opinion on returning to school, but he believes the administration will make a good decision. Mrs. Lenert said the thing she likes about distance learning is that she uses every second of class and that kids that do not usually participate in class can use the chat option, but she doesn't like that she can not have conversations with students individually in the hallway like at school. She believes that when it's safe to return to school we will. Ms. James said she likes that distance learning has forced her to try new things, but she misses the energy and noise that the students bring. She doesn't think there are any good or right answers about returning to school.
After interviewing these teachers and students it looks like most people would much rather be back in school. Going back to school might be hard to adjust to since we have been out for so long but once we get back into the flow of being there it should be good. I would much rather be in school and I am glad we are going back soon.
By: Shana Baker