As we all know 2020 has definitely been a year of uncertainty. With the outbreak of the coronavirus most things we have taken for granted have drastically changed. Arguably one of the most talked about in America is sports. There have been countless postponements, cancellations, and changes made at all levels of athletics. One of the most important being the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games that are now rescheduled to begin in 2021. Many stadiums, most popular in the MLB, have adapted to virtual fans or cardboard cutouts to mimic an audience. Other organizations including the NHL and NBA implemented a bubble concept for those involved with the teams in competition.
Sports at a lower level, such as high school, also look very different amidst the pandemic. Football, for example, in Ohio has been shortened to a 6-game season compared to the normal 10, along with a guaranteed spot in the playoffs. Most schools are also requiring facemasks upon entry and are urging fans and players to maintain a 6-foot distance when possible. Additionally, it is not as easy for fans to make it into high school games as it used to be. Many schools must limit admission to meet standards set by executives. They are doing everything in their power to avoid another season cancellation similar to this past spring. Rules are changing nearly every week so it’s important to keep updated to ensure the safety of those around.
By: Ashlyn Gerken