Continuity Plan

Berne Union Local Schools
Continuity Plan
2021 - 2022

(PDF Version)

Berne Union Local Schools are committed to the education of all students. We will continue to educate students in the classroom in person. The district will continue to work with the Fairfield County Health Department and the Ohio Department of Health.

Curriculum and Assessment

1. Berne Union will operate utilizing the current curriculum and accepted assessment practices.
2. Berne Union will continue to use MAP testing to ensure that students are growing as expected and interventions can be made as needed.

Facility Preparations

1. Cleaning Protocols – The district will continue the increased cleaning and sanitizing protocols.
2. Transitions and common areas (If needed) will have protocols posted and explained for social distancing reasons. More specific information will be provided by the principal for each building.
3. Facial coverings will be optional for students, staff and visitors.
4. Student needs. If there are specific needs a student has that may cause a concern for any of these protocols, please contact the principal. If these needs are of a medical nature please, contact both the principal and the school nurse.
5. Handwashing and hand sanitizing will be encouraged and the district will continue to provide hand sanitizing stations.
6. Health and safety protocols will be explained and modeled to the students at the beginning of the school year. These will be reinforced throughout the year as needed.

Security vs. Health concerns (The below safety precautions may be implemented)

1. All classroom doors will remain open during the school day.
2. Bathroom doors will be propped open.
3. Visitors to the building will be limited.
4. Diagnostic screening, contact tracing and quarantine procedures will be put in place in conjunction with the recommendations of the Fairfield County Health Department.
5. Berne Union Local Schools will work with the Fairfield County Health Department and other local health entities to provide opportunities for students and staff to be vaccinated.


1. Changes to plans will be communicated through various means, including but not limited to, the school website, Facebook, One-call system, US Mail, social media.
2. Health and safety protocols will be explained and modeled to the students as needed. Changes and/or updates will be explained and communicated with students.
3. Plans and schedules will be shared with other schools and agencies that work with Berne Union Local Schools.

Special Education

1. Special education services will be handled on an individual basis based on the needs of the student. These needs will be taken into consideration when reviewing procedures with students.
2. Parent collaboration will take place through meetings and contacts. These meetings may be held virtually or in person depending on the situation. Various forms of communication will be used to collaborate with parents.
3. Berne Union will work with students with disabilities to meet their needs based on the IEP.

Social and Emotional Learning Supports

1. Needs of the students will be determined and addressed through specialized programs if needed.
2. Berne Union will work with staff to ensure their social and emotional needs are met as well as the students' needs.

School Culture and Activities

1. PBIS initiatives will be continued and expanded.
2. PBIS will be expanded throughout the district to best support our students.

Human Resources

1. The Berne Union administration and the BUEA will need to work together as issues arise throughout the 2021/2022 school year. Communication will be a key component if issues do arise.
2. OTES 2.0 will be implemented in the 2021/2022 school year.
3. Berne Union will work to ensure that all staff are working in the building throughout the school year as long as it is safe to do so.
4. If we are into a total remote learning environment, communication with students and families will be vital. Much of this communication will be the responsibility of the teachers. Guidelines and procedures will be given by the principals.

Informational Technology

1. Berne Union students will continue using school issued chromebooks.
2. WIFI hot spots will again be available if the district would move to remote learning during the school year.

This plan is a fluid document and may need to be changed or adjusted based on the needs of the students and staff. This plan will be reviewed at a minimum of twice per year.